Thursday, October 8, 2009

Healthy Living: Keeping Your Sanity

Right now we're getting into midterm season, and often times this is when your freshman year starts to catch up with you. The weather is changing so your health is suffering, you haven't done as much work as you should have so you're having to pull more all-nighters, and you and your room mate are intimately familiar and constantly reminded of what bothers you about each other.

Some of the problems you're running into can easily be solved, others are going to take some work or you're going to have to chalk it up as a learning experience. Here are a few tips that'll help you get through this hectic time.

  1. Use an agenda.
    Whether it's a note book where you can jot important dates and assignments down in or an electronic calender, use it. It'll save you a lot of stress and help you budget your time.

  2. Talk to your roomate. The two of you will be going through some of the same problems, and have similar needs of your environment. Make sure you have guidelines for the room laid out. Be specific about what you, and understanding about what your room mate needs.
  3. If you need help, get it! The sooner you recognize you need help, the sooner you can get help, the better off you are. If you have trouble with your room mate, talk to your RA. If you're having trouble in a class, talk to your professor or TA. And if your having any kind of trouble and want to talk to someone about it, check out the Counseling Center.
  4. Take care of your health. Your health is the most important thing you have, and you have to take care of it. Try to eat healthy and get as much sleep as you can, go easy on going out, allow your body time to recuperate. Avoid sick people and use hand sanitizer! Getting sick will just make this time harder.
There are some great resources available on campus. If you need someone to talk to, there's someone who wants to talk to you. If you need someone to help you with a class, there is someone who cares. If you need a place to study, there are places to study.

What do you do when you need some peace and quiet? Who do you go to for help at AU?

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